Irleand - Loughcrew

July 11, 2024

Heineken start

Ahhh the white noise of Amsterdam Schiphol. It’s something which always puts me in good mood. Especially when we have 1.5h before flight and treat ourselves with pint of Heineken.

So far the trip is smooth. Both of my bags were checked due to safety hazard on the plane.That’s what you get when you flight with tent, alcohol stove and other camping equipment.

But hey! Noone said it’s not allowed!

Now we wait for the gate to open. Hope everything goes well.

Flight got delayed

Yes… So we don’t know at what wime we will onboard and which gate will be ours. For now the prognosis is that we will arrive to campsite around 11pm.

First time driving on the left side of the road

Holly this, it’s intense. I was not aware that it’s so hard and only after like 30 minutes I managed to feel safe on the road.

Setting up tent and going to sleep

Cold night did not prepared us for morning groceries and parking manovers on tiny Irish roads. Still we hunt some food and prepared first breakfast.

Dutch breakfast

Our first breakfast was uitsmiter with ementaler. Pretty good. Tasty. Fulfilling… and really smelly due to ementaler that we really tried to hide bellow big portion of eggs.

Driving around and learning about Irish culture heritage

While writing this we are already at the end of our trip. A lot happened and I did not have strenght and time to write.

Now we sit on our matraces and chill in front of the sun, that sadly covered with dark clouds. Tyical weather here.

Back to title of this acapit. First day we were trekking around camp and took ride to sightsee some ruins of monestery and old residences.

It was pretty good. Especially the first part. The beautiful weather and cozy wind was letting us taste real Irish summer.

Breakfast of champions

Yes, our breakfast. There is nothing in this world which prepers you for adventure more than semi english breakfast. I mention semi because sausages were Polish, vegies Irish and Beans British.

2 hours drive to see national park

I was not tired at the time but the road was really exhousing. The curvy roads going up and down, down and up, left and right, left, left, up right. Every time I had to pass other car my speedometer went to 15 km/h and our Citroen C3 was starting to loose torque.

1st gear was always a good solution. I think it’s the best friend of this car. 1st fucking gear and 20 km/h.

Visiting some lakes

Our first true hike started close to lakes of national park. It was exhausting as fuck and due to high humidity it was hard to take a breath.

Not due to joints smoked in Amsterdam. For sure it was the humidity.

Visiting national park with waterfall

We visited Wicklow national park where we seen the biggest waterfall we ever seen!

Going back, taking a small break from life

After we came back home everything slown down a bit. Not for long but for sure we felt that finally the camping started to be our life of living.